Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Appraisal system completed

Jake Pegg
Fair Trade Music

After literally MONTHS collecting data, playing with spreadsheets, comparing other systems, and discussion, the Fair Trade Music committee last week finished their work on the "Star level system."

This system allows them a fair, concise, and simple way of determining the level of participation (read: pay scale) for a venue in the program.

This tiered system allows recognition for smaller venues (with smaller budgets) to participate, and greater recognition of venues that invest in great music.

It's a simple system based loosely on one created by Musicians' union members in Calgary.

We looked at how it applied to a few dozen Portland venues to make sure it was relevant; it appeared to be, and reasonably so.

1 comment:

  1. We've since renamed it a "tier" system, not only because, being a tiered system, that title is more descriptive, but also because one star rating has a negative connotation, which is misleading in the context.
