Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How much time does it take to put on a show?

We believe that part of the reason for current conditions is that the general public sees musicians performing, which is generally enjoyable.

Although it's probably common knowledge that musicians do practice, rehearse, and learn and write material, very few understand not only how much time that invovles, but also some of the other things involved in putting on a show. Here are a few off the top of my head. I've done my best to figure out how long it would take to do them.

Learn to play. Take lessons. Pay for lessons.
Take out loans to go to music school (I pay about $350 a month on music school loans)

Practice at least 1/2 hour a day (this varies a lot...)

rehearse Roughly 3-4 hours per week (this also varies)

DEVELOP PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL: all this pretty much needs to happen before the first show. It's possible to do without, but it's hard to do well.

Write blurb/bio - 1
create web page - 5
create facebook, myspace, twitter, blogger accounts - 2
invite friends to all -3
Develop email list - .5
Develop or procure press list - .5
Get photo taken - 1
Develop press/promo materials - 2 (varies)
Record demo - 3 (varies)

Total: 17 hours, roughly, in promotional startup. Frequently, this is an ongoing thing; people start out with a few hours up front, and just keep nibbling at it over time.

Still, we're 17 hours into it, and not a note has been played, not even in rehearsal!

Network with related bands - 1
Develop club list - .5
Contact clubs - .5
Follow up with clubs - .5
Get a date - .5
Get musicians availabillity and follow up - .5
Find opener - .5

4 hours

Write and press release to media list - 1
Design flyer and handbill- 1
Create small, electronic copy of flyer (secof)
Send flyer and handbill to printer's, pick up 1/2 (+ money)

Add show to myspace 'upcoming'
Create facebook event; invite friends
Send myspace bulletin
post link to facebook event
Make 'secof' default image on both facebook & myspace
send secof and modified press release to email list - .5
All of the above - 1.5
Hang and distribute flyers - 2
Day-of text messages and phone calls - 1

Total promotion: 7 hours

Break down, pack up, and load out equipment: .5
Travel to: .5
Load in, setup .5

29 1/2 hours later,not counting practice:
*Play the show.*

Break down, pack up, load out equipment .5
Travel .5
Re-set up equipment in practice space: .5

Thirty one hours, not including rehearsal.

I'll admit readily that these estimates are rough, but not unreasonably so.
Some of the up-front time in promotion would be spread out over time, and not have to be done for each and every show.

The promotion, however, has to be done each time! I'll also admit that it's possible to cut corners, and not do everything on here. I'm just estimating how long it would take to do this kind of thing right.

Let's say you could do all of this in 1/4 of the time. That's still almost eight hours of prep, not counting rehearsal, for a 1-4 hour show.

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